Star Trek V Has Been Replaced As The Worst Star Trek Movie

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By Chris Snellgrove
| Published

Recently, Paramount released Article 31A Star Trek film directly in streaming focusing on the Secret Espionage Division of Starfleet which manages the dirty work of the Federation. Unfortunately, the Fandom quickly decided that “dirty” was the most beautiful thing they could say about this stinking of a film, and its rotten score of tomatoes continued to tumble that Captain Kirk falling from a mountain . Speaking of that, Article 31 Now has a doubtful honor to be the worst star Trek film on RT, eclipizing the previous trainer Star Trek V: the final border.

What section 31 beat as the worst star trek film

Michelle Yeoh, our hero, engages in cannibalism in Star Trek: Section 31

Before Article 31The worst star trek movie was The final borderwhich has the distinction of being the only film in the franchise directed by the emblematic actor of Kirk William Shatner. It seems that he wanted to follow in the footsteps of Leonard Nimoy, the beloved Spock actor who directed The search for spock And The travel house. Unfortunately, the beginnings of director of Shatner were a complete flop, and the film combined a great humor and an absurd intrigue in something that belonged to the waste extraction department of the ship rather than on the big screen.

Interesting, after Article 31 Initially released, The final borderR was always the worst star trek film, with the matching criticism presented on Rotten tomatoes declaring that Paramount’s latest film was just barely Better than William Shatner’s infamous error. However, the way Rotten Tomatoes works is that he examines all his criticism of criticism and determines whether or not they would end up watching a film. With Article 31More criticisms sounded last week, and enough hated the new film to reduce his score well below that of Star Trek V.

Section 31 is as bad as Star Trek

At the time of writing this article, the critical score of the film is 21%. The correction, in the time I needed to write this sentence, it fell to 20%.

The critical consensus for section 31 bed with humor: “Prepare it from here, Scotty”. In comparison, Star Trek V: the final border To a 23%critical score, with the ironic critical consensus in reading “filled with dull action sequences and an underdeveloped scenario, this fifth trek film is probably the worst in the series”.

“If Paramount has a sense of shame or decency, he will now make society and the auctions of his assets to the lowest tenderer.” Joshua Tyler Reviews Article 31 For GIANT Quirk ROBOT

Go by rotten tomatoes, Article 31 is now the worst film of Star Trek, and we can only hope that future franchise entries (like the film of Star Trek origin would have managed to be somehow worse. The last film is quite horrible to make me do what once seemed impossible: to say something nice about The final border.

William Shatner’s beginnings of director remain a deeply imperfect film with an essential intrigue, but that has at least provided great moments of character (like the sad tradition concerning Dr. McCoy and his father) and interesting ideas (like the notion of God who is most likely evil stranger hidden at the bottom of our galaxy). Article 31However, mainly has disposable characters and no really original ideas. It is the distillation of the ethics of Nutrek dominant where writers and producers assume that fans want nothing more than violence, bloodshed and bad guys to a note.

William Shatner, not playing a heroic cannibal, in Star Trek V: the final border

Hopefully, Article 31 Be officially the worst star Trek film and will serve as alarm clock. It is clear that fans want the adventures to focus on exploration (like Strange new worlds) and stories that manage both humor and heart (as Lower bridges).

Unfortunately, it is more likely that this last film is an indicator of the gravity of the next Star Trek film. If and when this happens, Trek will be in the same position as Star Wars and the MCU are currently: desperately need a complete Creative restart.

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