The ’90s R-Rated Sci-Fi Adaptation From A Master Author Being Lost

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By Drew Dietsch
| Published

Science fiction films have always been inspired by superb stories written by imaginative authors, and some of these films are not even based on complete novels but short stories and novels.

Whether it is “who goes there by John W. Campbell?” Become John Carpenter The thing“We can remember Philip K. Dick for you basically” Total reminderor “The Sentinel” by Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey, The news of science fiction had an indelible impact on films.

But, a new science fiction recovered an adaptation in the 90s and was quickly forgotten. And it is one of the most daring and cheeky adaptations science fiction history.

This is why we must save the 1995 cinematographic adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut Harrison Bergeron.

“Harrison Bergeron” By Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt vonnegut in an interview with the BBC

Kurt Vonnegut should not need an introduction, but just in case he was a prolific and punchy writer who liked to play with the genre. His seminal novel, Five slaughterhouseis a unique turn on science fiction and war stories that obtained its own cinematographic adaptation in 1972. To find out more about it, consult the Episode of Podcast Genvision on Five slaughterhouse.

The short story of Vonnegut “Harrison Bergeron” poses from the United States to the United States in which all the differences between people are thwarted by various handicaps in order to obtain a level of equality for all humans. For example, people with traditionally beautiful facial characteristics have ugly masks.

The news of Harrison Bergeron’s parents, an exceptionally brilliant and strong young teenager who is taken by the government for prowess.

In the news, Harrison’s parents are watching a television broadcast that is interrupted by Harrison to try to rebel against the government. I will not reveal the rest of the story because everyone should read it, but it is enough to say that history does not have the most brilliant belief in humanity.

The film Harrison Bergeron

Sean Astin as Harrison Bergeron in 1995 Show time Telefilm

When the time has come to adapt the news in a film, the 1995 TV movie Showtime decided to take a lot of creative liberties. The story takes place in 2081, but the film decides the year 2053 due to the artistic decision to portray the abbreviated future as a riff on America in the 1950s. And this is only the start of the big ones Greases and additions of this film.

Harrison (played by Samwise Gamgee himself, Sean Astin) is still an abnormally brilliant child, but when he is taken by the government in the film, it is under the pretext of having a lobotomy. What ends up being revealed is Harrison’s selection in the secret organization that really directs the world.

Yes, in the Harrison Bergeron Film, the idea is that an intelligent cabal keeps the world in secret by making society as average as possible. They even choose a chair Schlub to be the president and it’s Eugene Levy!

Christopher Plummer as John Klaxon

The chief of this shadow government, played perfectly by Star Trek ViThe own Christopher Plummer, illustrates why this is how the world must be to prevent wars and devastation. In doing so, it means depriving incredible art and expression society. And Harrison must now be part of this oppressive system.

He decides to work in the government’s television division and ultimately provides for a variation of what is happening in the news: he takes up the broadcasting room and begins to play Classic films And music for the public that has been hidden for generations.

When he was finally arrested, he had the chance to participate in the country’s most popular talk show, organized by a Buffonish Howie Mandel, and to say that it was a joke. Again, I won’t spoil exactly what’s going on but it won’t feel good!

Howie Mandel as a Talk-Show Animator Charlie

Listen, I will be completely frank with you, I like the new original and the 1995 film is definitely doing its best to capture the acerbic satire of Vonnegut’s play. The film and the story are both dark comedies in the heart. However, the tone of the film and its television production tend towards a more stupid and cheaper execution.

Fortunately, the remarkable distribution that I have already mentioned brings a lot of charm from Playhouse to all production. Sean Astin is Cherubian and appropriate as Harrison, which makes his journey all the more heartbreaking at the end of the film. Plummer is exactly what you have thrown as a nasty authority that could convince you to become authoritarian.

And although the film uses Vonnegut’s story for a more jump point than it makes a direct adaptation, he manages to adapt to more than a few references to history as a television show with a dancer disabled. And the film is attached to the darkest beliefs posed by Vonnegut on anti-intellectualism and the suppression of artistic expression.

Record this film!

A government stormtrooper uses a laser to enter the television channel where Harrison broadcasts

It is not a secret masterpiece but Harrison Bergeron is the kind of difficult science fiction film that we should not leave in the trash. And it looks like the case. As I write this script, the film is not available on any streaming or video service on demand.

You can certainly look at it if you know where to look for – and it is not too difficult – but it is unlikely that it is in a high quality or professional catering resolution. And who knows how long these digital versions will be at hand?

Harrison Bergeron is an example of the reason why we have to worry about preserving art. While more and more of our archive media become under the lock and the key to monolithic societies, we risk that societies having a unique authority on what deserves to be preserved.

Just look at a number of favorite fans Netflix Programs and films that have no physical releases. Damn, BarbarousA major outing of a large studio that has done well at the box office still has no physical version.

If these types of high -level projects can be stifled, think of all the art that you will never see simply because no one cared enough to save it. Harrison Bergeron It is not a good or bad film, it is perfectly good, but it deserves recognition, appropriate archiving and availability for the public like any element of artistic media.

If you don’t think this is the case, why don’t you put your braid with a brain zapping and the frenzy of this show you will forget in a week that will disappear in streaming by next year.

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Okay, a separate snarkiness, it’s very fun to make these videos, especially on subjects like this. The short story of Vonnegut means a lot for me, and I really care about obscure films and the preservation of the media, so sincerely, thank you for watching.

Discover more of our videos and let us know what you would like to see. Until next time, take care of yourself and come back to see us here at the Giant Freakin Robot.

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