Looking for most recent Connections responses? Click here for today’s connections indicesAs well as our daily answers and indices for the New York Times, Bordle, Connections: Sports Edition and Strons Puzzles.
Today Connection puzzle Blue Group reminds me that the Super bowl is less than a week old. And in addition to the game of chiefs, and the Kendrick Lamar-Sza half-time showThis day will also see Connections: sports edition coming out of the beta version. It will be in the sports app, but not in the application of the New York Times Games. Read the rest for the indices and responses of today’s connections.
Times now has a bot of connectionslike the one of Bordle. Go after playing to receive a digital score and so that the program analyzes your answers. And the players registered in the Times Games section can now Nerd by following their progressIncluding the number of puzzles finished, the victory rate, the number of times, they have caught a perfect score and their sequence of victories.
Find out more: Tips, advice and strategies to help you win in Nyt Connections every time
Advice for today’s connections groups
Here are four tips for the groups of the today’s connections, classified from the easiest and yellow group to the hard (and sometimes weird) group.
Yellow group ATTORATION: Protect
Green Group Astration: You could do it with nails
Astoration of the Blue Group: Earning money on the Super Bowl, maybe
Violet group index: not the toes, but …
Answers for today’s connections groups
Yellow group: keep
Green group: Smooth using friction
Blue group: Sports game terms
Violet group: words before “fingers”
Find out more: Wordle cheat sheet: Here are the most popular letters used in English words
What are the responses of today’s connections?
The NYT connections puzzle completed for February 4, 2025, # 604.
Yellow words in today’s connections
The theme is conservation. The four responses are Keep, Presert, Save and Store.
Green words in today’s connections
The theme is smooth using friction. The four responses are buff, File, Grind and Sand.
Blue words in today’s connections
The theme is the terms of sporting game. The four answers are preferred, spread, spread and less.
Violet words in today’s connections
The theme is words before “the fingers”. The four answers are the butter, the chicken, the lady and sticky.
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