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Millions of people across Asia and the world welcome the lunar new year which coincides with the first new moon on the lunar calendar.
Largely considered to be the most important event of the year for many in Asia and certain Asian communities around the world, the Lunar New Year represents a new start for those who celebrate.
Fireworks, music, fairs, lanterns, dragon and dancing lion have filled streets across Asia while celebrations which generally last about 15 days have started.
Andres Martinex Casares / EPA-EFE
In Beijing, China, artists went on stage to celebrate the start of the year of the snake.
Florence Lo / Reuters
Stilt Walkers joined a parade through a park in Beijing.
Nyein Chan Naing / Epa-Efe
The candles were lit in a Chinese temple in Yangon, Myanmar.
Lillian Suwanrumpha / AFP
A woman prays in a sanctuary in Bangkok …
Lillian Suwanrumpha / AFP
While others pose for photos to share with friends and family.
Juni Jriswanto / AFP
Prayers are offered at the Hong San Koo temple in Surabaya in Indonesia.
CHADEER Mahyuddin / AFP
The dancers interpret the lion’s dance in Banda Aceh while people come together to look.
Hasnoor Hussain / Reuters
In the capital of Malaysia, the worshipers of Kuala Lumpur come together at the Taoist temple of Sze Size if there is to celebrate and pray.
Eloisa Lopez / Reuters
The Dragon dancers make their way in the streets of Manila while the firecrackers explode around them.
Timur Matahari / AFP
Large candles are lit the Darma Ramsi temple to mark the Chinese Lunar Ancient year in Bandung, Western Java, in Indonesia.
Adam Gray / Reuters
The dancers carrying lion costumes occur during a celebration of the midnight lunar year in the Chinese district of New York.
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