7 Added-Sugar-Free Snacks to Satisfy Your Cravings

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If you try to lose weight or look at what you eat more closely, you may have trouble coming by additional sugar snacks. Even foods that are generally considered to be “healthy”, such as yogurt, granola and smoothies, can be responsible for Added sugars – especially Those who hide in sight nutrition labels.

However, with a little creativity and know-how, you can prepare a lot of delicious snacks without sugar added to nibble between meals. Exchange your desires with these satisfactory snacks without additional sugar.

1. Natural peanut butter with whole grain crackers

Plate of crackers with peanut butter | No sugar snacks added

“Whenever you snack, choose something with a little crabs,, proteinAnd fat This is the best option to maintain a healthy balance, “explains Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD.” The combination of these macronutrients Do a good job to keep you satisfied, especially when you include proteins. »»

Natural peanut butterThe type that is just crushed nuts without added sugar, is a substantial snack that provides healthy proteins and fats and couples perfectly with crackers, celery or fruits.

2. Walnut

Insulated image of a nut bowl | No sugar snacks added

Raw or dry roasted nuts are full of healthy fat and important nutrients like iron,, magnesiumAnd fiber. “Just make sure you don’t buy varieties that are roasted with honey, coated with chocolate or have a sweet coating,” said Giancoli. The nuts covered with yogurt, for example, are loaded with added sugar.

In themselves, peanuts are a mixture of proteins and fats with almost no carbohydrates and have a subtle sweetness, in particular the Variety Valence Often used in natural peanut butter.

3. Cheese and fruit

Assortment of fruits and cheeses | No sugar snacks added

A juicy fruit is naturally sweet without added sugar. Although you can go too far (the sugar is always sugar, after all), the fruit sugar is absorbed more slowly in your body than added sugars due to the accompaniment of fruit, which helps to balance blood sugar.

Combining the fruits with something tasty like cheese offers a healthy rotation on the “sweet and salty” flavor without added sugar. In addition, NOSHING on proteins, carbohydrates and fibers will give you energy to food thanks to a training session or stay focused until your next meal.

4. Roll-up of turkey and lettuce

Image of turkey turkey and envelope lettuce | No sugar snacks added

The crunch is one of those attractive qualities in a snack. A roasted turkey turkey and a lettuce roll-up delivers on this satisfactory crisp.

However, it is essential to read labels in the charcuterie section because lunch meats can be a surprising source of added sugar. Many grocery stores offer an internal roasted turkey, which will always be your best bet.

5. Popcorn

Popcorn bowl | No sugar snacks added

Air popcorn is surprisingly light and has a slightly sweet flavor naturally. There are tons of products that are aimed at smart snackLike popcorn bags in the individual microwave or bags with 100 pre-porter calories.

“Exhale yours or are looking for a 95%fat-free popcorn,” recommends Giancoli. “Avoid kettle or popcorn covered with caramel, which will have added sugar.”

6. Houmous and carrots

Aerial image of carrots and houmous | No sugar snacks added

Carrots have sweet taste because they have natural sugarThis makes it a vegetarian alternative to fresh fruit.

They also provide optimal snack qualities, such as crunchy and size of the size, and when you associate them with a dip full of protein like houmous, you have snacking magic.

7. Based tea

Cup of herbal tea with mint | No sugar snacks added

Thirst can mask like hunger – so if you feel collaborates, you may need hydrate. Try to savor a plant -based tea And see if the thirst pass.

“If you sip it, it makes you pass the moment, and some can have a naturally sweet taste,” says Keri GlassmanMS, RD, CDN.

PIN Image of nuts purchased | No sugar snacks added

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