Humanitarian initiatives can improve the American “soft power”, according to supporters, which can buy the goodwill of the United States and a leverage in the countries of the world for a relatively small fraction of federal expenses. In 2023, the financing of the USAID represented 0.07% of the American federal budget. In 2021, before the war in Ukraine, he represented 0.04%.
The Broadside against the Washington agency has led some to wonder if European governments or private donors will intervene to pay threatened initiatives.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the exiled Russian oil magnate and Putin’s opponent, said in a message It is Telegram on Monday that he and another Russian businessman, Boris Zimin, would intervene to finance “the Russian media, human rights and analytical projects, as well as humanitarian projects operating in Ukraine”. But he warned that they would not be able to help all beneficiaries of all beneficiaries.
Zselyke CSAKY, principal researcher at the Center for European Reform, calculated that the United States spends about $ 2 billion a year in direct democracy promotion programs, including direct state funds and subsidies of subsidies USAID. Europe, she said, spends about $ 4 billion and should spend about 50% more to make a difference.
“I find it honestly quite improbable,” said Ms. Csaky.
The immediate problem, she said, is the speed of dismantling. “This happens right now, and I know many organizations that will have to close,” she said.
“As European countries react,” she said, “there may not be much of the ecosystem to save.”
Edward Wong Reports contributed to Bangkok, Farnaz Fassihi from New York and Linda Qiu from Washington.