I Work From Home. Does That Make My Internet a Tax Write-Off?

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If you are one of the millions of full -time people at home, you know how essential it is to have High -speed internet. But while the employer generally provides the computer and the necessary applications, WFH people are generally responsible for their Internet service – which can be expensive fairly quickly if you are looking for the fastest.


That said, your employer can be required to compensate for you for all or all of your required expenses, including Internet service. In addition, you may be able to Deduce your Internet expenses For the tax season. See below what it takes to qualify for remuneration on your internet bill.

Find out more: My T-Mobile Home Experience: 5 things I love and some things that I could do

The reimbursement of the employer for internet at home varies depending on the state

No federal law requires that companies compensate for distant employees of home expenditure such as Internet services. The only exception is that if expenses reduce the employee’s average hourly wage below the federal minimum of $ 7.25, According to the Ministry of Labor. (Publisher’s note: This page was deleted shortly after the Trump administration took office in late January.)

States employment laws may oblige employers to cover at least part of the Internet invoice or other work expenses at home. CaliforniaFor example, states in Labor code 2802 that an employer “will compensate his employee for all the necessary expenses or losses suffered by the employee accordingly direct for the exercise of his functions”.

A laptop - with the CNET logo on the screen - sitting at the top of a desk.

This is my humble WFH configuration.

David Anders

For distant employees, home internet costs could certainly be considered “necessary expenses”. This can only be “necessary” when the employee has no choice but to work at home. If the office is an option, but the employee chooses to work remotely, compensation for home office expenses, including the Internet, is not guaranteed.

Some selected states – Illinois,, Montana,, New Hampshire,, North Dakota And South Dakota, more Washington, DC – have similar laws. Most do not do so, like my original state of South Carolina. In these states, a generous company can help cover Internet costs or other work expenses at home voluntarily or by request, but I will not depend on it.

What to expect if you are eligible for the reimbursement of the internet at home

We use the internet for much more than work. Since the employer is just clinging to work -related expenses, he has technically not to cover the time spent using Internet for streaming or any other non -professional activity. If I worked 180 hours during an internet billing cycle which extends over 720 hours, my employer should only cover a quarter of my bill – and it is only in the states where the laws require it.

Similarly, an employer would not be required to compensate for me for the cost of overflowing data, as many non -work activities also contribute to my monthly use of data. It doesn’t matter who pays the internet invoice, it is better to completely avoid access by Manage the use of Internet data or go to a supplier with unlimited data.

Even in states where laws require it, calculating how much your employer must be a bit complicated, and for some, more problems than this is not worth. Some employers can simplify things by offering remote employees a monthly allowance. The amount defined can be devoted to internet invoices, home office equipment or other expenses incurred as a result of home work. If it covers the entire Internet invoice, great. Otherwise, at least that’s something.

What if I am in one state and my employer is in another?

Generally, wages and remuneration laws apply to the state where the employee physically does work, not the state where the company is located.

If I live in South Carolina but works remotely for a company based WashingtonThe employer would be required to meet the requirements of the minimum wage in South Carolina highest minimum wage. (Technically, Washington, DC, has the highest basic minimum rate, but it is not a state.) The same logic applies to a possible reimbursement for internet at home.

What if I live in California, but my employer has its registered office in a state where homework is not covered? It is a little more delicate and can vary depending on the state. Such situations may require a conversation with HR or, in serious cases, a lawyer specializing in employment law.

Are home internet costs deductible?

Another swing and miss it here. THE IRS clearly does it That employees (if you receive a W-2, this means that you) are not eligible to demand the deduction of the home office.


Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Getty Images

The law on tax reductions and 2017 jobs Suspended tax ridrafs for home deductions For employees until 2025, the deduction could therefore return to the future.

As with any good tax law, there are Exceptions to the deduction of the home office For employees. Eligible educators from kindergarten to the 12th year may be eligible for the deduction, as well as employees who incorporate work expenses related to a disability, reservists in the armed forces, performance artists and representatives of the qualified local government .

Better chance for self -employed workers

Work of freelancers at home and Small business owners can be eligible for the deduction of the home office. The conditions apply, but according to the IRS, the The main qualification is that the residence is the main place of activityAnd there is “the exclusive use of part of the house to lead regularly business”.

Those who are eligible and count on the Internet to carry out business should include Internet costs with spending on public services during filling Form 8829. If the taxpayer uses the same Internet service for the work and general use of houses, only the part used for work can be deduced.

Fortunately, there are other ways to save

Internet service is a necessary expenditure when working at home, but employers are not forced to help cover Internet costs in many states, and no tax deduction is available. There are others Practical means to reduce your internet bill at home. Using your own Wi-Fi equipmentdemo your plan or go to another supplier are just a few ways to save on the internet at home.

For more ways to save around your home, consult CNET home advice section. For more information on any deductions and tax taxes in general, be sure to visit CNET Taxes HUB page.

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