By Drew Dietsch
| Published
Star Trek III: the search for spock is stuck in an unhappy place. After the critical and financial success of Star Trek II: Khan’s angerThis follow -up was not as well recovered by fans, even if it did business almost similar to Star Trek II. SO, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Release and is a huge success both in a critical way and at the box office.

Thus, this story has developed on Star Trek films that “odd numbers are bad” and Star Trek III: the search for Spock Played in this because it was dropped between two very popular entries in the franchise. And over the years, the speech is almost dead around this film.
It’s a shame. Star Trek III: the search for spock Much more love deserves and this is why it is now unfairly neglected.
Star Trek III is a solid suite

Star Trek III: the search for spock is the central part of a trilogy. Because Star Trek II: Khan’s anger And Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home are more announced, many people tend to ignore what this intermediate entry does in terms of its following goals.
It should be noted that Star Trek III: the search for spock had to act as a way to erase the catastrophic death of Spock in the previous film. This death was so powerful that she could probably have been permanent with the way he was executed. However, the configuration of Spock Returning was already present and we all knew that they would not actually kill one of the most loved characters of any Star Trek. If one of your criticisms is that they brought back Spock, that is not enough to condemn this film.
And there are other elements in a row that Star Trek III: the search for spock succeeds in. Following the story of Genesis Planet which ended Star Trek II: Khan’s anger was not necessary – the body of Spock landing on a planet which quickly evolved and ended up creating life was clearly put in place to bring it back – but it is in fact a great story in itself. The idea that a whole new planet was created by people offers a lot of good science fiction material to explore. We see the rapid evolution and decomposition of the planet and it offers a large backdrop for the main story.

Then there is Kirk’s son David. Presented in the previous film, David was a character who was to come back. Star Trek III: the search for spock knows that it must find a good way to use it. After the last film with Kirk and David finally reconcile, it is natural that this film takes their story to a tragic end. Should have been done more with David? Absolutely, but his death will prove to be a vital part of the themes that this film wants to tackle.
Because Star Trek III: the search for spock is not only an empty adventure. He has things in his mind and we must give him a serious merit on the way he addresses these ideas.

If Star Trek II: Khan’s anger consisted in facing your past and aging, Star Trek III: the search for spock concerns the sacrifice and what you are ready to abandon to someone who is close to your heart.
Kirk’s whole story revolves around everything he can to turn over Spock katra And maybe resuscitate his best friend. In the previous film, Kirk said he did not believe in a script without gain. The sacrifice of Spock of his own life has proven that Kirk should face such a moment and that he would lose the most expensive person. With the chance to recover Spock now a possibility in Star Trek III: the search for spockKirk makes lengths that we had never seen from the character before.
There is a strange perception in the pop culture of James T. Kirk like this renegat figure which plays according to its own rules. In fact, this characterization was not too present in Star Trek: the original series. Kirk was often extremely leveled and did everything in his power to join the federation’s beliefs. The idea that Kirk was this rebellious spirit really took root Star Trek III: the search for spock. After Starfleet denies his request for a return to Genesis, Kirk and the Business The crew steals his ship, sabotage the newly completed USS ExcelsiorAnd challenge any institutional mandate in order to save their colleague.
Regarding Star Trek III: the search for spock Fear, this means that Kirk will be stripped of his Starfleet uniform and probably imprisoned. Yes, this is not followed in the next film, but when the captain of Excelsior Tell Kirk that his actions will lead to his withdrawal from Starfleet, Kirk does not hesitate to continue his mission. James Kirk was ready to sacrifice his inclusion in Starfleet to save his friend. When you consider how much Starfleet was an essential part of Kirk’s identity, its relative ease of abandoning it for Spock is a powerful choice and well executed in the film.

More than Starfleet or even the death of his son, the real sacrifice for Kirk Star Trek III: the search for spock is the Business himself. Kirk’s love for the ship is probably equal to his love of Spock, and seeing him make the choice to destroy him is heartbreaking. The entire self-destruction sequence is drawn for a maximum dramatic effect. The photos of Business Exploding and falling from the sky are among the most powerful of all Star Trek. We have become numb Business is always an incredibly effective moment of annihilation.
So, it is just themes and follow -up tips that make Star Trek III: the search for spock A winner? No. Because even on its own merits, this film is an absolute explosion.
Spatial adventure at its best

Star Trek III: the search for spock continue on the same tone as Star Trek II: Khan’s anger Established for the film outings of Star Trek, and it does more than competent work. The feeling of adventure and cape in space is always there and it prevents the film from detaching itself from always density or maudlin.
Some of the best humor of the whole cannon of the star trek film are in Star Trek III: the search for spock. Having bones is the ship of Spock “the soul” translates into humorous songs to act by Deforest Kelley, and the exchange that he and Kirk have when Kirk saves bones from Starfleet Security is stuff to stuff burst the sides. When Bones realizes that he carries the essence of Spock in him, his replica of “This son of green blood slut!” It is his revenge for all these arguments that he has lost ”, guaranteed to make any fan of hiking laugh.
Humor is not the only weapon in Star Trek III: the search for spock‘s arsenal. He also has a good villain in the commander of Klingon Kruge, played by a legendary character actor Christopher Lloyd. We had already seen the Klingons as difficult opponents, but it was the entry that solidified them as the greatest enemies of Kirk. Kruge’s brutality and callality have helped consolidate the modern interpretation we have of Klingons. He gets more than his just part of memorable moments, to crush an extraterreous worm monster dog.

More importantly, Star Trek III: the search for spock tells a convincing story through his cinema. The pace is solid and never feels rushed or slow. Leonard Nimoy entered the director’s chair, marking his beginnings as a director of feature films, and he makes the film both epic and intimate. James Horner continues the excellent work in which he did Star Trek II: Khan’s anger And the music here gives the impression that it is crystallized in a very specific sound “Star Trek Movie”. Everything works in tandem to make the film experience of the film.
Add to all this the whole always pleasant business actors, the warm atmosphere of a classic Star Trek, and a story that cares more about its characters than being a pure show – however, the work of the show and pure effects is excellent – Star Trek III: the search for spock is much better than his reputation would make you believe. It is undenished to deny Star Trek II: Khan’s anger And Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home are better films, but that does not make this entry bad simply in comparison. It deserves as much love of the fans base as the other two entries in the trilogy, and it is time to enhance it as a crucial and comforting entrance in the Star Trek cannon.