By Robert Scucci
| Published

I mentioned some time ago that the novel by Chuck Palahnuik, Survivor, would make an excellent film after learning that such a project was once in development before putting aside decades ago, and I think I found the best thing with 2024 Let’s start a cult. Although the two intellectual properties end up telling stories wildly, they both have very similar configurations which involve a only survivor of a cult suicide which must understand its next movements, with morbid hilarious consequences. Once I learned that this film existed, I was excited to the point of saying “Pass me kool-aid”, but I am also a little disappointed because a concept so promising fails to stick the landing.
I’m not saying that Let’s start a cult It is not proof of solid concept, but sometimes there is one thing such that too shtick that will end up completely getting you out of the film.
Initial fall

Let’s start a cult Presents his audience at Chuce Harper (Stavros Halkias), the type of character which is often called “Slacker Lapé”. Chip is the problematic member of a worship of death which is about to enjoy their day of transcendence in which each member is in the process of addressing a series of celebrations before moving on to the following plan of existence . Tired of Chip Chip buffoonery, the head of worship William Davenport (Wes Haney) asks him to send a video cassette of the cult activities to the press while he and the rest of his supporters follow their ceremony, leaving him as a Only survivor.
To be distracted by a Slurpy convenience store, Chip forgets to send the band to the press and decides to go home to live with his parents as if he had not lived with worship for several years.
Chip will do things this time

Realizing that his regular life is completely unsatisfactory, Chip has difficulty assimilating as a regular and functional member of society. Let’s start a cult Shows her namesake when the news informs Chip that the bodies of her former members of worship were found, with the exception of William who is now considered a fugitive sought for the mass murder in question. Chip manages to find William, who now lives in the woods and who occasionally appears in the audience disguised as a clown so that he can earn money to work during children’s holidays, and decides that it is time to start a New cult – The one who does things correctly this time around.
Chip and William do not get along because the first is a reckless OAF who is a slave to his pulses, and the second is a calculating chief of worship who wants to follow a very specific process of recruitment and indoctrination in order to transcend with success.
It takes no long in Chip to quickly recruit several enthusiastic members, which prompted William to take the reins Let’s start a cult. Chip, who first thinks that William has been reincarnated to lead unfinished affairs, realizes that he has always been a pawn in his game and will finally take the fall in original mass suicide if he does not understand how Erase his name.
Big hot humor, but in the wrong place

As promising as Let’s start a cult The premise sounded before deciding to try it, I also feel disappointed that a recently deceased cult member who wakes up on the other side without receiving the expected celestial reward for having sacrificed his life, and here is why.
Stavros Halkias is a big actor who can read the play, and each time I see his giant head appear on my flow, I will check what he has to say because it will probably make me laugh. He has a greater than life personality, but this personality does not necessarily translate well in black comedy territory if it is exaggerated. For each moment in Let’s start a cult It was really hilarious for situational reasons, Halkias went to 11 when I could have honestly using it for two or three.
Moments of Let’s start a cult It made me laugh the hardest involved that Halkias is so gullible and without any idea that he tries to be the cult leader he always wanted to be, but they were immediately undermined by scenes involving an excessive quantity Toilet humor and comedy with low husband (like a completely naked chip is mulled by an old woman struggle Champion named Dorota) which would probably work well in any other context. I am not saying that there is no time and place for a healthy quantity of hoarseness, but in this case, it seemed that most of these jokes were a reflection after the fact, and the horn of interchangeable shoes in the scenario as a means of fulfilling its execution.
But still, Let’s start a cult At a handful of moments that are really hilarious, and if you have patience for a comedy with a promising premise that does not perform quite as planned, you can broadcast the title on Hulu at the time of writing this article .