By Hyunjoo Jin
SEOUL (Reuters) – Samsung Electronics is planned for a difficult annual general meeting on Wednesday with shareholders frustrated by its inability to provoke a boom of artificial intelligence which made its least efficient technological actions of last year.
The CO-PDG Han Jong-Hee and the chief of his Chip Jun Young-Hyun division will be part of the executives attend the meeting which should start at 9:00 am (0000 GMT). Other development problems include strategies to mitigate the impact of American prices and which will stimulate new growth.
During internal meetings, Samsung admitted to having lost its technological advantage. This is particularly true in semiconductors where it is late on SK Hynix in high bandwidth fleas (HBM) on which Nvidia and others are based for AI graphics processing units.
“Our technological advantage has been compromised in all our companies,” according to a transcription of a message from President Jay Y. Lee to an internal executive seminar seen by Reuters.
“It is difficult to see that efforts are made to stimulate a great innovation or take up new challenges. There are only efforts to maintain a status quo rather than shaking things up.”
Samsung’s shares fell by almost a third last year, while those of SK Hynix climbed 26%. In recent years, Samsung has also lost market share against TSMC in the manufacture of contractual fleas and for Apple and Chinese competitors in smartphones.
In January, Samsung warned against the slow sales of its IA chips during the current quarter due to the American export restrictions to China, which has become its most important market. It also means that it faces larger opposite winds than rivals of potential American tariffs on China.
The technology giant launched an action repurchase plan worth 10 billions of Won ($ 7.2 billion) in November after its actions plunged more than four years. Its shares have won 7% since then.
Samsung is the most precious company in South Korea, with its market capitalization of 235 billion dollars representing 16% of the total value of the country’s main scholarship. Almost 40% of investors in South Korean shares have Samsung actions, according to market data.
(Report by Hyunjoo Jin; edition by Miyoung Kim and Edwina Gibbs)