I decided my stamina had returned enough to attempt my Tuesday group ride. We did one of my favorite walks: “around the reservoirs” as well as a return trip on Casa Loma Road. I used my recumbent bike because it is gentler on my back and less likely to cause a stenosis flare. I used the electric assist as needed to keep up. and I had plenty of battery to get me through the trip. Very pleasant walk on a beautiful late autumn day.

Once the ride was over, I had a freak fall while getting off the bike. As I swung my leg over it, it got caught on the frame tube and thus found itself temporarily balancing on one leg. Before I lost it, I fell backwards, hitting my back (near the sacrum) and head on the sidewalk. Fortunately, my helmet saved me. So now I have a new helmet (it’s not a good idea to reuse one after a big impact). And also some back pain, which should go away in a day or two. It’s time to work more on balance!