Bill Gates said he thought he would have been diagnosed with autism If he grew up today.
The co-founder of Microsoft and Billionaire Tech, 69, has revealed his next memories, “Source Code: My Beginnings”.
In an extract from the book, which was published in the Wall Street Journal, Gates wrote about how his parents “had trouble with their complicated son” during his childhood in Washington.
“If I grew up today, I would probably be diagnosed on the autism spectrum“Gates wrote.
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“During my childhood, the fact that the brain of some people treats information differently from others has not been widely understood.”

Bill Gates said he thought he would have been diagnosed with autism if he grew up today, as written in his next memories, “Source code: my beginnings”. (Reuters)
The term “neurodivergent”, which is widely used today, had not yet been invented while it grew, noted Gates.
“My parents had no benchmarks or guide manuals to help them understand why their son became so obsessed with certain projects, lacked social clues and could be rude and inappropriate without seeing his effect on others “He continued.
Gates wrote how his parents, Bill and Mary Gates, gave him the “precise mixture of support and pressure” which he needed to develop his social skills.
“Even with their influence, my social side would be slow to develop, as is my awareness of the impact I can have on other people,” he wrote. “But it came with age, with experience, with children, and I’m better for that.”
“I want it to come earlier, even if I would not exchange the brain that gave me anything.”
Signs of autism disorders
The characteristic signs of autism are challenges with social communication skills and limited and repetitive behavior, according to Andy Shih, director of autism sciences new York.

The term “neurodivergent”, which is widely used today, had not yet been invented while it grew, noted Gates in the memory. (Justin Tallis – WPA Pool / Getty Images)
“This could look like a visual contact, a delayed language development, difficulty understanding the feelings of others, repeating words or sentences, beating by hand or having very intense and specific interests,” said -Ali declared to Fox News Digital.
“I would not exchange the brain that gave me anything.”
On the behavioral side, autism spectrum disorder can also manifest itself as a “rigid dependence on routines, an intense concentration on specific subjects or sensory sensitivities”, according to Jonathan Alpert, psychotherapist in New York.
Autism is a spectrum, noted Alpert, which means that symptoms can vary considerably in type and severity.
Out of radar
Alpert confirmed that autism “was not on the radar of people” as much when Gates was a child as today.
“Autism has not been widely recognized or understood decades ago,” he said. “At the time, the diagnostic criteria were much narrower and awareness was limited even among healthcare professionals. “”

The characteristic signs of autism are challenges with social communication skills and limited and repetitive behavior, noted an expert. (istock)
What is now known as the spectrum of autism has been classified differently or completely neglected, noted Alpert.
“Consequently, many people who meet today’s autism criteria are not diagnosed.”
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Shih agreed that autism diagnoses were much less common when Gates grew in the 1950s and 60s.
“Autism was described for the first time by Leo Kanner in 1943, and although awareness increased slowly over the following decades, it was not until the 1980s and 90s that autism spectrum disorder was Introduced into the DSM (the diagnostic manual used in the United States) and has become widely recognized and diagnosed at higher rates, “he told Fox News Digital.
Reasons for increasing cases
One in 45 adults in the United States receives a diagnosis of autism, noted Shih – more than ever.
“The prevalence of autism has increased due to the increase in public awareness and professional in autism, wider diagnostic criteria for autism, improvement of screening tools such as the list Modified control for autism in toddlers (M-Chat) and standardized screening processes, “he said.

“Autism has not been widely recognized or understood decades ago,” said a psychotherapist. “At the time, the diagnostic criteria were much narrower and awareness was limited even in health professionals.” (istock)
“These factors have led to previous detection and more diagnostics.”
The growing prevalence of autism is a very debated subject, noted Alpert.
“A large part of the increase in autism diagnoses can probably be attributed to improved awareness, wider diagnostic criteria and better access to health services,” he told Fox News Digital .
“Autism has not been widely recognized or understood decades ago.”
However, other factors – such as environmental exhibitions and Genetic predispositions – are also studied as potential contributors.
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“Although it is essential to identify and support people with legitimate diagnoses, it is also to be feared that over -diagnosis – potentially influenced by societal trends or errors of errors by less experienced therapists – may trivialize the condition and undermine those who really need support, “warned Alpert.
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Despite the growth in diagnostics, there are still missed diagnoses, SHIH noted.
The expert said: “While society is much more aware of autism today than ever thanks to improvement public health Hear and increase in screening, advocacy and awareness efforts, there are probably many autistic adults who have never received a diagnosis or have been poorly diagnosed. “”
The Memoirs of Bill Gates, “Source code: My Beginnings”, will be published on February 4 by Knopf.