CNET Survey: Winter Energy Bills Are Straining 62% of US Adults’ Finances

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Winter temperatures have dropped across the country, and extreme cold has raised monthly energy bills.
In December, 40% of Increase in monthly inflation was awarded to an increase in overall energy costs. An exclusive CNET survey revealed that most households expect to pay $ 688 on energy bills in winter months (December to February), households in the northeast expecting to pay on average $ 804 for the season.

It is not surprising to Wael KanjA main research partner for the rewriting of America. Kanj has paid particular attention to household energy costs, and has noticed an increase of 30% in the past four years.

As energy costs increase, six out of 10 (62%) of us adults expect their winter energy will put pressure on their finances. Currently, 11% of American adults (who break down to around 28 million Americans) are already late on their energy bills, according to the survey.

“The costs of winter energy could be a burden for households, especially depending on where they live,” Kanj said.

If you have trouble Offer your energy billThere are measures you can take to reduce your costs without sacrificing your comfort.

Here is a ventilation on the quantity of people who expect to pay this winter, solutions and resources to reduce expert costs to get help if you have trouble paying high energy bills.

Cost means of winter energy bills

Last summer, the US Energy Information Administration found that American adults paid an average of $ 135 per month among the 10 main states with the highest electricity bills. Winter energy costs are even more part of the monthly invoices.

Depending on where you live, the costs could exceed this amount. Northeast residents expect to pay nearly $ 288 on average. Those who live in the southern part of the United States anticipate the lowest energy bills, at nearly $ 220 per month.

How this winter energy bills affect the finances of American adults

About 62% of American adults expect energy bills this winter to the fight against finance. Here is a ventilation of how they plan to afford their energy bills:

What makes energy bills rise?

Several The factors may have an impact on your winter energy billIncluding the composition of your home, the type of fuel you use and how much you pay for that.

Kanj said the majority of your energy bill is not managing your devices or lights – how much it will cost to heat your home. It is also how You heat your home – like the devices and the fuel you use.

The climate of your region can also have an impact on the temperature of your thermostat and how often you perform your furnace. Even if time is out of your control, there are measures that you can take to Reduce your energy costs.

How American adults plan to stay warm and reduce energy costs

Most energy saving efforts below can help reduce your bill, but only to a certain extent depending on the devices and the meteorization of your home. There is also a chance that you have to make other long -term efforts to reduce your bill. Here is a ventilation of how American adults remained warm while hoping to reduce their energy costs.

Some of these measures can help you reduce your energy bill, while others are not as effective, Kanj said. For example, using a smart thermostat And reducing the temperature of your home during your absence can keep the energy and save your money. However, Reed said that you could always save significantly on your energy bill if you are able to execute a lower temperature in winter, even for a few hours a day while you are at work.

“In winter, the best way to keep your heating bill is to keep your thermostat at 70 degrees or more,” said Reed.

You should not lower your thermostat to an uncomfortable or dangerous point, however, warned Kanj.

“There is a limit to the way you have to adjust your thermostat in winter. You want to make sure your home is still hot enough for your water pipes to freeze, creating huge headache and expensive repairs or you will be too cold for comfort, “said Reed. “Most thermostats will not drop a lot of 60 years. Keep in mind that no amount of energy savings is worth sacrificing your health, comfort or safety.”

Radiators are generally heated with electrical resistanceAnd can heat a small space – like a room in your home without raising your energy bill. “If you only need to keep part of your home warmer at the same time, plan to use a radiator while keeping your main thermostat setting lower,” said Reed.

Radiators are a great way to warm part of your home, As long as you use them safely. However, if you use several space radiators, you could eventually increase your electricity bill, Kanj said.

Find out more: We did the calculation and found money money with a radiator

Apart from lowering your thermostat and using a radiator, Kanj recommends insulation and Strolling your home To keep the heat inside and prevent cold air from fleeing to have the greatest impact on your energy bill. Check how suitable your doors and windows are prevent heat from infiltrating. And make sure that your attic, the basement and the walls.

Long -term energy saving steps that you can take

It may not seem that you can do to considerably reduce energy costs at the moment, but you can take certain measures to help you save money in the future.

Long -term energy saving steps that you can take

It may not seem that you can do to considerably reduce energy costs at the moment, but you can take certain measures to help you save money in the future.

Improve your household appliances: If your devices are not energy efficient, it may be time for an upgrade. If you don’t know if your device is effective, search for Energy star label. These products meet standard efficiency requirements and may save money on your bill.

Consider a heat pump: If your furnace approaches the end of its lifespan, Kanj recommends installing a heat pump as a heating and cooling system. A heat pump uses air and water to control the temperature of your home, and savings can increase up to $ 1,000 per year, Kanj said.

Get a domestic energy audit: You can plan a Home energy audit With your public service provider. An assessor will examine your home room and examine past energy bills to identify energy saving improvements. Energy audits can cost a few hundred dollars, but costs can be claimed as a tax credit.

Look for community solar programs: You can have access to solar energy without installing panels on your roof. Some areas have a nearby solar energy farm. You will pay part of the electricity to use it, but you can save money on your monthly bill.

A few energy efficiency The recommendations may seem expensive, but Kanj noted that there are credits and discounts at the state level to reduce initial costs on certain energy efficient devices. The meteorization aid program uses funding from the Ministry of Energy to cover repairs and econnetic upgrades. America’s rewriting can create a Personalized electrification plan To show you your estimated savings by moving on to energy saving devices.

What if you can’t afford to pay your energy bill

If you cannot afford to pay your energy bill, programs are available to help you. First, Kanj recommends checking whether your public service provider offers a public services assistance program. For example, Southern Carolina residents who have Duke Energy can qualify for the help of Share the Light Fund To cover reconnection costs, deposits and energy bills. Your public service provider may also have payment plans and assistance according to your eligibility.

Some energy suppliers also offer scheduled date extensions, payment payment plans and service defining to avoid disconnection during the coldest months. For example, Duke Energy electrical services moratorium Can prevent the service from being disconnected between December 1 and March 31 for 30 days – with an extension every 30 days – if you meet certain criteria.

Other federal assistance programs for public services can help, in particular Low -income energy assistance programwhich offers assistance covering energy bills, meteorization and repairs and crises linked to energy. The eligibility depends on the state, income and size of households.


All figures, unless otherwise indicated, come from Yougov. The total size of the sample was 2,531 adults, 1,777 of which pay their domestic energy bills. The field work was undertaken from January 7 to 9, 2025. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all American adults (aged 18 and over).

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