Drop Sets Explained: One Set or Multiple?

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Drop sets are a powerful method for improving muscle exhaustion and facilitating muscle development, although they can be tiring and may not be ideal for everyone. Typically, a set of drops is counted as one set, even if it involves multiple decreases in weight.

Understanding repository sets

"Drop sets are a great way to intensify your workout and push your muscles to failure. However, they should be used strategically and not overused, as they can lead to overtraining." -Arnold Schwarzenegger"Drop sets are a great way to intensify your workout and push your muscles to failure. However, they should be used strategically and not overused, as they can lead to overtraining." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

Drop sets are a fantastic training protocol that you can incorporate into your workout routines.

They involve gradually reducing the weight you lift over consecutive sets without taking a break.

The main goal here is to continue exercising beyond the point of initial muscle fatigue.

However, when I say “sets”, it does not count as additional sets, but rather as an expansion of the original working set.

In other words, repository sets should always be counted as one set.

The main reason to perform drop sets is to increase muscular endurance and promote muscle growth.

This is achieved by completely tiring the muscle fibers.

That being said, although drops series can increase strength, there is published evidence in the Journal of Sports Medicine and FitnessThis shows that simply performing normal heavy sets will result in greater improvements in strength.

Drop sets are suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced trainees, but they should be used carefully to avoid overtraining.

What’s more, you can apply them to almost any exercise, improving the intensity and effectiveness of the workout.

Just be sure to maintain proper form throughout to reap the maximum benefits.

The most common way to use repository sets

Personally, I mainly used drop sets during the last set of an exercise.

My standard protocol would involve a total of 3 sets of drops after the final working set while ensuring the reps remain the same.

Additionally, I usually reduce the weight by about 10-30% for each subsequent set of drops.

Here is an example with dumbbell biceps curls:

Dumbbell Bicep Curls: The Simple Drop Set Method
Together Representatives Weight
1 8-12 70 pounds
2 8-12 70 pounds
3 + 3 sets of drops 8-12 70 lbs ➡️ 50 lbs ➡️ 40 lbs ➡️ 30 lbs
Presented by mybodyweightexercises.com

However, the final working set which includes 3 sets of drops should only be counted as ONE SET and not as 4 sets in total.

In reality, your “real” sets (for lack of a better word) should be performed with maximum weight, intensity and repetitions.

Drop sets are simply a way to squeeze out a little more, while your muscles are tired and close to failure, by incorporating the same movement but with reduced weight.

So the biceps workout above involves only 3 sets and not 6 sets.

The “Every Set Drop Set” method

The each drop set method is exactly what it sounds like, you perform one drop set for each set of each exercise throughout your routine.

This will significantly increase the intensity and volume of your workout.

Basically, you’re looking to push your muscles to the point of fatigue at different resistance levels.

This will improve muscle endurance and growth by exposing your muscles to a wide range of stimuli in a single session.

I will say that it is extremely effective for muscle hypertrophy but with some caveats.

First, you need to consider your overall workout intensity, training volume, and recovery power to avoid overtraining.

Therefore, I would recommend that the each drop set method only be used by experienced lifters, especially those attempting to break out of a plateau.

"Drop sets can be a great way to increase muscle growth and endurance if used correctly. However, they are not suitable for everyone, especially beginners. Start with lighter weights and lower repetitions before progressing to heavier weights and more drops." - Bret Contreras, strength and conditioning coach"Drop sets can be a great way to increase muscle growth and endurance if used correctly. However, they are not suitable for everyone, especially beginners. Start with lighter weights and lower repetitions before progressing to heavier weights and more drops." - Bret Contreras, strength and conditioning coach

Again, use this method if you want to temporarily intensify your workout.

So I wouldn’t recommend beginners to try this method and I would avoid training this way more than two days a week.

Make sure you have at least 72 hours between these two sessions and train as normal for the rest of the week.

Finally, pay attention to your recovery, as well as how you feel in the gym, because there’s no point in continuing if you constantly feel exhausted or find that your workouts are suffering.

Dumbbell Bicep Curls: The Every Set Drop Set Method
Phase Representatives Weight
Initial set 8-12 70 pounds
Drop Set 1 8-12 50 pounds
Drop Set 2 8-12 30 pounds
Presented by mybodyweightexercises.com

As you can see in the table, I reduced the number of drop sets from 3 to 2.

This workout will always include only 3 working sets and not 9 sets total.

Now you can try the every set method with 3 sets of drops per set, but that’s a huge amount of intensity and volume.

So this is potentially something you can achieve, but I would err on the side of caution and use fewer sets of drops until your body becomes more accustomed to this type of training.

This is also a great opportunity for you to check out my article which explains if you should perform biceps curls seated or standing.

Key learning points

  • A drop set counts as one set.
  • Drop sets involve reducing the weight with subsequent sets without taking any rest between these “sets.”
  • They are a great way to improve muscle endurance and muscle growth.
  • The most common method of using drop sets is to incorporate a drop set into the final set of a specific exercise.
  • I would typically perform 3 drop sets after the last set of an exercise.
  • You can use the “each drop set” method, which involves doing a drop set after each set, I usually stick to 2 drop sets when using this method.
  • Each set of drop sets is an advanced training method and should be avoided by beginners.
  • Don’t perform “each set of drop sets” more than twice a week and train as normal for the rest of the week.
  • Be wary of your recovery and make sure your workouts don’t suffer from possible overtraining.

One of the biggest benefits of drop sets is that they increase metabolic stress and promote greater muscle growth. Essentially, you can burn fat while building muscle. What exactly is the purpose of Massthetic muscle training program.

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