By Chris Snellgrove
| Published

So many horror films today have budgets that are too high and lead to major flops (such as the 2012 remake of 2012 The thing) or too low and train an embarrassing dreck (like Winnie the Pooh: Blood and honey). However, you sometimes get a scary budget film in mid-bundet which establishes the perfect balance of high production value and solid chills. An excellent example is the functionality of a claustrophobic creature Crawlthat you can now broadcast for free on Tubi.
Crawl on Tubi

The intrigue of Crawl is much more interesting and ambitious than other scaly horror films on Tubi. We follow the adventures of a swimmer who simply wants to check his father before an entourage of category 5. She finds him in a house that is flooded and filled with hungry alligators, forcing our protagonist to fight for her life against frightening creatures around her and the incoming anger of Mother Nature.
Crawl Has a more reliable distribution than the other features of the Tubi creature, notably the leading actor Kaya Scodelario (the best known outside this film for the films of Maze Runner and Caribbean pirates: Dead men tell no story). She is joined in the hijinkx on the screen by Barry Pepper (better known for The green mile and the Real grit remake). Morfydd Clark is completed by our convincing cast (better known for Saint Maud And, more recently, for having played Galadriel in Amazon Power rings television series).
While you can watch Crawl For free on Tubi, the public has already paid a lot of money to see this story of unconventional horror survival on the silver screen. Against a budget of $ 13 to 15 million, Crawl won $ 91 million at the box office.

It was quite green (and not the variety of alligator) for the director David Aja to start talking about a possible continuation almost immediately, although who would probably follow new characters rather than building those of the first film. His faith in this franchise borne fruit and in 2024, Primordial gave the green light to a Crawl Following, that Ja will direct again.
While criticism often reject horror films, Crawl The captivated kept: on Rotten tomatoesThe film has a critical score of 84%. In general, the criticisms praised the film for its mixture of rapid outbreak and immersive action, which are all linked by the remarkable performance of Kaya Scodelario. In particular, the film also has a 75%audience partition, stressing what a smooth and simple horror film is really.

For longtime horror fans, director Alexandra Aja could be even greater reason to look Crawl On Tubi that his casting cast. He directed fairly convincing remakes of horror classics, especially Maniac,, The hills have eyesand (maybe the most sadly) 3D piranha. His unpaid horror films are also refreshing and distinct, including his elegant slasher High tension And fantastic comedy Horns with a diabolical downright Daniel Radcliffe.
Certainly, Crawl Does not do anything that is completely innovative or revolutionary … In fact, if you have already looked at similar creature features on Tubi, you have already seen many agitated alligators, unpleasant natural disasters and fun female tracks. However, the secret of Crawl is that he does all of this and more SO Much better than its competition. And the result is a film that ends up being much more than the sum of its surprisingly convincing individual parts.

Do you want to find Crawl A characteristic of creature on Tubi flows your teeth, or is it a single horror film that you prefer to throw away from the Gators? You will not know before you go to the waters and check it for yourself. After the credits, however, here is a good warning: you will Spend the next few days to check the hidden beasties each time you enter a new room.