Members Of Commission IX Of The DPR Participate In Claims Of The HPMV Virus Is Not Hazardous, Ask Residents Not To Panic

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JAKARTA – Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Nihayatul Wafiroh responded to the discovery of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) virus in Indonesia. Nihayatul appealed to the public not to panic and follow the prevention steps prepared by the government.

“People do not need to panic because HMPV is not a new virus and is harmless to some infected people,” Nihayatul Wafiroh told reporters on Thursday (January 9).

Nihayatul, familiarly known as Ninik, said Commission IX of the House of Representatives will continue to monitor the government’s measures to anticipate the spread and increase of HMPV cases in Indonesia. According to him, the government, especially the Ministry of Health, must remain aware of mutations in the virus that can increase the rate of spread.

“We will also ensure that the budget intended for the fight against infectious diseases can be used optimally,” he said.

Ninik emphasized that Commission IX of the DPR will continue to support government policies aimed at improving the preparedness of health facilities. Including to provide rapid access to diagnosis and treatment.

“The reporting system needs to be strengthened to monitor developments in the case,” he said.

On the other hand, Ninik reminded the government to continue increasing public education efforts regarding the prevention of this virus. This must be done so that people are able to minimize the spread of the HMPV virus, especially against vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly and community groups with co-morbidities.

The PKB lawmaker also called on the public to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including washing their hands regularly and wearing masks when feeling unwell.

“Do not hesitate to consult medical personnel if you have suspicious symptoms,” Ninik concluded.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Health Office revealed that cases due to the human metapneumovirus (HMPV) virus in Jakarta had been detected since 2022. Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office Ani Ruspitawati said that the HMPV virus was one of the causes of acute respiratory infection. (ISPA).

Based on data from the Health Bureau, the number of ISPA patients due to HMPV in Jakarta since the discovery of the first cases until now reaches 197 cases. In detail, 19 cases were observed in 2022, 78 cases in 2023 and 100 cases in 2024.

“We will continue to supplement this data in coordination with various health service institutions and laboratories in Jakarta,” said Ani in his statement, Thursday, January 9.

Meanwhile, the virus that causes ISPA other than HMPV currently circulating and dominant is H1N1 influenza virus type A pdm2009, rhinovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus.

Ani admitted that the number of people suffering from ISPA and pneumonia is indeed increasing. Since November 2024, this trend has repeated relatively every year, where AKI cases tend to increase towards the end of the year to the beginning of the year.

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