Minnesota Muslims speak out on Trump and what drove their vote in 2024

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In Minnesota, Muslims and Somali Americans Politics, religion spoke and how their votes were influenced in the 2024 elections. Some showed a new affinity for the Republican Party under Donald Trump.

“Somalians were intrinsically democratic”, Salman Fiqy told Fox News Digital.

Fiqy also explained that the first wave of Somali immigrants came to the United States in the late 1990s and embarked on politics in Obama.

“This is why they saw themselves aligned with the Democrats, then things changed for the worst with the Democrats,” said Fiqy.

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Salman Fiqy previously appeared for a representative of the State as a republican. Fiqy is a frank preservative who publicly approved Donald Trump.

Salman Fiqy previously appeared for a representative of the State as a republican. Fiqy is a frank preservative who publicly approved Donald Trump. (Fox News Digital)

Fiqy is a republican and a frank curator who has publicly approved President Donald Trump. He told Fox News Digital confidence that many Somalians had voted for President Trump.

The first issue was education, said local Minneapolis section.

“The LGBTQ agendas push towards children, where we tend to have large families, we appreciate children and … we see things from a conservative goal,” said Fiqy.

A majority of Somalians The population is Muslim, government data.

The support of Somali Americans in the Democratic Party has dropped since the presidential election in 2020 of President Joe Biden. In Cedar-Riverside in Minnesota, the house of many Somali immigrants, support for the Democratic candidate for the presidential election Kamala Harris dropped 14 points.

More than 25,000 Somali Americans live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Many fled the civil war of their country in the 1990s. The Cedar-Ravers’ district Traditionally been at home To immigrants, including Swedes, Norwegians and Danes. Currently, Somalians are the predominant group of the community, creating several companies and a “Somali shopping center” in Cedar-Riverside.

“They [Somali Americans] were very afraid of the way their children were raised in this situation, and they preferred to vote for Trump with these opinions, even if they knew that Trump came with luggage, and they preferred to take the luggage, “said Fatmata to Fox News Digital.

“Practitioner copy”, Fatmata has a company in Karmel Mall, located in the Whittier district of Minneapolis. Karmel is the first Somali shopping center in the United States, welcoming a plethora of Somali companies, including hairdressing salons, restaurants, clothing stores, electronic retail shops and hair salons.

Fatmata is not Somali and identifies himself as black. She told Fox News Digital that she was a Muslim and that she often joined the Somali community. His business provides a copy that “aligns more about the Islamic vision of the copy”. She planted her business in the Somali shopping center because it was easier to find customers.

She added that Muslim values ​​have led her somali counterparts and Americans to vote.

“I think that one of the main problems with the voting of Muslims … Voting specifically for Trump is because of problems that align with their religious values, that they had the impression that things were going too much to right, and they did not agree with these things, “Fatmata said.

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Karmel Mall

Karmel Mall is a Somali shopping center, filled with a variety of businesses. (Fox News Digital)

Trump too won Muslim voters Last election, more than his opponent, the former vice-president Kamala Harris, an exit survey of the American-Islamic Relations Council.

Fatmata told Fox News Digital that many Somali Americans did not like Trump’s rhetoric on deportationsBut has always voted for the Republican candidate.

“We knew that it was going to happen. These are the choices that we had to make knowing that these are the things he represents, that we may not agree as a minority community.”

A business owner in Karmel told Fox News Digital that he had voted for Trump because of his professional policies.

“I support and voted [for] Mr. Trump last time. A few things … [I] Think that it was better for the company because, because I am a business guy and the tax relief he also gave us. Yes, that was the reason why I support it “,” a business owner who did not want to disclose his identity to Fox News Digital in an audio recording.

In Cedar-Riverside, Fox News Digital spoke with a neighborhood pharmacist who said that the Somali Americans had nothing in common with Trump.

“I don’t think that a Somali person, including me or my family, or even as Somalia in general,” supported it. I mean, what is in common with the Somali community? What are you going to ask yourself? I mean, there is no common point, “said a pharmacist who worked at Cedar Pharmacy in the Somali shopping center.

“I don’t see any illegal immigrant here. The United States has always been a country for immigrants from the start,” said the Somali pharmacist.

Fatmata manages a company in the Karmel shopping center

A woman by the name of Fatmata told Fox News Digital: “I think that one of the main problems with the voting of Muslims … in particular the vote for Trump, is because of problems that align with their values religious, that they had the impression that things were going too much to the right, and they did not agree with these things. (Fox News Digital)

In front of Cedar Pharmacy, another business owner named Salah who directed a restaurant called Barakalaa Somali Cuisine shared a contradictory declaration. When asked if the Somalians had supported Trump, he replied “yes”.

“I see that everyone together in the community votes for the candidate,” said Salah.

Fatmata said the choice was not easy for Muslims and Somali Americans.

“Let us be voted for him to protect the religious opinions of our children, as well as all that he has? Perhaps, the last time it was the Muslim ban and these things. It is?

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“Those who voted for him. And I think some of these things, when it comes to your children who are dear and close to us, they just had to take really bitter pills. And I think that’s why that’s why Some people voted for him, not because they wanted to vote for him 100%, but he was perhaps the best choice or option because they had the impression that it was just better for their children. “”

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