I have always been The kind of person surrounded by “batteries of misfortune” – random collections of my goods which do not necessarily have rhyme or reason. I have ADHD and a love of things, and I am a millennium that has never had enough storage integrated into her house. Whether it’s shoes, additional toiletries, random craft supplies or my army of booming stuffed animals, I never knew where to put anything. And then I started a job as a product reviewer, and my collection of doom batteries extended twenty. I receive things sent to my house to make a living – and these things are quickly deposited in heaps around my office. And kitchen. And lounge. And room. And try as I could to tighten everything with plastic bins and clear bins, they end up making my house feel like a kind of distribution center for my business. Champagne problems, I know, but the problems nevertheless.
This year, it was the year I decided that I had to understand how to store and organize my things, both and personal, once and for all. And the Lowdown Made Lowdown locker is one of the best solutions I have found so far. (No wonder Home work gift guide.)
Photography: Louryn Stramp
This flat back locker is delivered in a long rectangular box filled with a plastic film and a polystyrene foam. The assembly is relatively simple. I appreciated the clear paper instructions, as well as the video instructions for visual learners like me. Everything you really need is a standard transverse head screwdriver, although an assembly is easier if you have a boyfriend to help. I managed to set up the body all by myself, and I only swore a handful of times. (This is a good thing compared to my usual sailor mouth during the assembly of anything for work.)
Photography: Louryn Stramp
The metal parts and panels are easy to collect together, although one of my rear panels was incorrectly machining or damaged during shipping, leading to an imperfect angle form which made it difficult to place a side. After a lot of juries and elbow grease, I could not return it where it should be. I ended up taking front with the rest of the assembly and everything went well, although this fault is obviously not ideal (and if you meet a similar situation, you can send photos by email to customer service and Have your room replace). Apart from that, the parts were all gently machined with few rough edges, and the paint was perfectly applied to each room. And despite my slightly deformed rear panel, I managed to keep everything away. It is important to note that after examining other online reviews, this error seems to be an anomaly. Completely assembled, the locker is robust and it looks fantastic. The doors remain in place and the legs are straight. I want the doors to be closed with a satisfactory sound similar to those I would slam in high school, but even without tactile satisfaction, they are solid.
Fill it out
Each downward shelf can contain almost 90 pounds – your additional gift packaging! Your training equipment! Your random campsite equipment! – And you get some additional supports to adjust the default provision if you wish. The default arrangement is two shelves across the locker at the same height, but the additional supports allow you to place each shelf at different heights. These supports are the only additional hardware parts you get – another minor thing that bothered me. When I stared at one of the handles, I dropped the mining screw and the washer. The washer has disappeared in the jungle of my carpet. It ended up being good – I just tied it with the screw – but if the screw had disappeared, I would have been quite upset. So keep a trace of your equipment while assembling!
Photography: Louryn Stramp