By Chris Snellgrove
| Published

Pop quiz, hotshot: did you know that BirdNetflix’s surprise horror stroke, actually a sequel? Most fans do not know much BOID Box BarcelonaWhich is probably for better. After all, this spin-off is lower than the original film in any way. But the failure of this delay underlines the simple fact that Bird is one of the few really original horror films that deserve an appropriate suite.
The rest of the bird box

Before you can talk about Bird Following that we deserve, it is important to discuss (if only reluctantly) the continuation that we have obtained. BOID Box Barcelona Follows a protagonist who has become one of those frightening guys from the first film that has survived to watch the invisible monsters of the film and who is now dedicated to forcing others to take a look. Throughout the film, we obtain flashbacks of the way he has thus become interspersed with scenes today where, guided by the ghost of his deceased daughter, our psychopathic seer provokes chaos in the ruined world.
Now I’m going to say what you probably think about it: that Bird Sounds great. On paper, it is a great and unconventional idea for a follow -up film, but the execution is below several ways, including the film which has really developed its characters correctly. The film never exceeds its interesting premise, which makes it easier to notice the quantity of this film is a lame rebound of the original.
NOW, Barcelona suck, but I maintain that the original Bird is interesting enough to deserve an appropriate suite. Ideally, such a suite would have a big name to anchor it as Sandra Bullock did for the first film. Mario Casas does her best as a head BOID Box BarcelonaBut someone with a little more weight could give a future continuation more international appeal.
Appropriate monitoring

No doubt, Bullock herself would be the best casting choice for an appropriate Bird Following because many fans would like to see what his character is doing now. The first film ended with our protagonist arriving safely in a special community Where she can (or at least, as safe as possible), raise her two children in this postapocalyptic world. It would have been narratively rewarding to follow these characters, that’s why it was so weird that BOID Box Barcelona was more a strange side story than a real suite.
Barcelona Gesture to advance the plot by showing that scientists try to counter the effects of creatures that lead all those who see them to suicide or madness. Ideally, a future Bird The rest would explore if it has succeeded and if these mysterious creatures have another way of harming humanity. For example, humans being sheltered from their psychic influence would not mean much if they had just claws or exotic fangs and began to kill people more directly.
In addition, while some Bird Fans would prefer to preserve the mystery, I can’t help but feel like a sequel owes us a look at these monsters that we have never seen. It is a must -have of a fun horror to take a look at the hood, that it means to discover who is Ghostface or simply see how much Jason Voorhees looks funky under this mask. Fans were curious about the Bird Beasties since 2018, and a decent sequel would be a chance to give us what we want to see.

Until we get a good Bird Continuation, you can consult the original as well as BOID Box Barcelona on Netflix. They are an interesting double feature, but watching them back to back will convince you out of any doubt that this franchise deserves a suite which is up to the original. As of BarcelonaWell … it will probably let you cover your eyes so that you are not going crazy by the terrible film that transformed your TV into a resolutely mediocre post-apocalyptic landscape.