Holiday weight gain hits hard in January. These days, people resolving to lose weight and get in shape have an increasingly popular option to consider: GLP-1s.
The use of GLP-1s, traditionally prescribed to people with diabetes, has increased among non-diabetics who hope to achieve their weight loss goals.
During a question-and-answer session with Tania Riveradietitian and associate clinical professor at the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Workshe explains how having a registered dietitian on your weight loss team can help you assess whether GLP-1 is right for you and guide you toward lasting health.
What are GLP-1s and how do they work?
GLP-1, short for glucagon-like peptide-1, are hormones produced naturally in the body by the small intestine. GLP-1 controls blood glucose levels and slows the emptying process of the stomach, which causes a feeling of fullness and triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas.
Popular medications, such as Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Wegovy, are known as GLP-1 agonists because they mimic the natural GLP-1 produced in the body. When people take these medications, their appetite changes and they eat much less.
GLP-1s are traditionally used by people with diabetes. However, the use of these medications has increased among non-diabetic people hoping to lose a few pounds. Who is the ideal candidate for a GLP-1?
A person with a BMI over 35 and those who would like to lose more than 20 pounds are ideal non-diabetic candidates for a GLP-1 with the support of a registered dietitian. For those wanting to lose less than 20 pounds, it’s best to consult a registered dietitian first before going the GLP-1 route.
What we’re seeing is that an increasing number of people who are not diabetic or obese are using these medications just for modest weight loss. These medications will need to be taken forever unless someone is willing to work with a registered dietitian to change their habits and eventually get rid of them.
How can a registered dietitian help you?
People often mistakenly believe that dietitians will simply cut out all of their favorite foods. In fact, we address the root cause of weight gain, such as emotional eating, limited physical activity, and consumption of ultra-processed foods. Behavior change is essential in this situation.
Dietitians work with their clients on behavior changes little by little. We set goals and help establish small, incremental changes that can lead to big changes later, and this is what supports overall behavior modification.
A person who is already taking a GLP-1 can greatly benefit from working with a registered dietitian. GLP-1 reduces food noise – constant, obsessive chatter in the mind about food – which leads individuals to eat less. This reduction in food noise creates the perfect atmosphere for the individual and the dietitian to make effective behavior and lifestyle changes. The key is to use these medications in conjunction with behavioral changes.
How long should someone on GLP-1 work with a registered dietitian?
What we’ve seen so far is that within about 11 months, people on GLP-1 experience a decent period of weight loss which then tapers off. That’s when people get disappointed. These medications are forever, unless someone is willing to work with a registered dietitian to get off them. My suggestion for someone who really needs to follow a GLP-1 would be to work with a dietitian for these 11 months. As soon as treatment results begin to diminish, that person should be ready to begin decreasing their use of the medication.
What are the healthy eating habits that we should incorporate into our daily diet?
Whether you are on GLP-1 or not, a healthy, balanced diet is essential for lasting health.
Fiber is your best friend because it is dense. We want a nutrient-dense diet. I recommend a daily intake of 25 to 35 grams of fiber. I usually recommend high-fiber cereal in the morning with yogurt to start the day off right.
And I recommend a daily minimum of about 0.45 grams of protein per pound of body weight for the average person. [Simply multiple your weight in pounds by 0.45 to arrive at the total grams of protein you should aim for per day.] Consuming enough protein is important for maintaining muscle, especially as we age. Sources of protein include lean meats, legumes and tofu. If some people aren’t meeting their protein needs, I suggest a protein smoothie.
What lifestyle changes should we adopt?
The best and easiest exercise to implement is walking. I really encourage exercising at least three times a week, at least an hour at a time. I like the idea of ​​circuit training because it includes cardio and weights.
There are also small things we can do in our day. Take the stairs, park further away and take breaks to walk if you have a sedentary job. These little workouts add up.
I also advise practicing mindful eating. I have a hunger and fullness scale, and it goes from zero to ten. I always tell people to track their hunger and fullness every hour. This should be in the middle zone. You should never be very hungry or very full. I tell people to stop and assess their hunger halfway through the meal. You might not be hungry anymore. You eat it just because it’s there or you bought it. Paying attention to hunger and fullness is another key ingredient to developing a good weight loss plan.