Star Trek: The Next Generation Plot Fans Hate Was Originally Even Worse

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By Chris Snellgrove
| Published

Although it is a big episode in many ways, many Star Trek: The next generation Fans have learned to hate the “Booby Trap” episode. It is because of an frightening intrigue intrigue in which Geordi Laforge begins to fall in love with a hologram of his other Leah Brahms engineer, and he does incredibly bizarre things (we speak incel: the final border) when he meets the real woman in a later episode. However, these fans should know that it could always be worse: originally, this hated plot was going to have Picard interact with Brahms and finally save the day.

Why star trek almost worsened the trap

The fact that the main actor participates in this scenario of Star Trek worthy of the cinggue could very well have aggravated “Booby Trap”. Fortunately, we were spared to see this thanks to the Michael Piller showrunner, who considered that “it should be Geordi, because Geordi is in love with the ship and it is a story of a guy in love with his chevy ’57”. Despite what some fans think now, looting did not see it as a kind of character assassination … Instead, he thought it was “played in the character of Geordi, who was always a guy who was dumbfounding women, but if he could simply marry his car, he would live happy forever.”

While Star Trek rejoices ourselves, it is certainly a little difficult to imagine that Captain Picard spends all this time in the Holodeck alongside Leah Brahms, especially because the crisis of the ship is confronted (its power is drained by a stranger Booby Trap) clearly requires the talent of an engineer. But it may not be so crazy: in the previous episode “11001001”, he competed with Riker for the affection of a hologram. Consequently, a secondary intrigue where he had his own attractive fascination for the holographic brahms which might not have been out of words.

In addition, the finished version of this Star Trek The episode made Picard insist to personally pilot the ship of the trap of the holder. This gives us a fun glimpse of the Picard’s interior control monster … His need to launch an experienced beard so that he can prove that his steering skills have not decreased. For this reason, the idea of ​​the previous story in which Picard would have consulted Leah Brahms instead of leaving him to an experienced engineer does not really seem so incredible.

Although it is fun to imagine the story centered on Picard that we could have had, some fans of Star Trek can be more interested in learning that “Booby Trap” specifically presents Geordi because He is more comfortable with machines than women. Geordi is frightening for Brahms’ hologram in this episode and downright hostile to the real woman in “Galaxy’s Child”, and these episodes disturbed certain fans because the stories did not line up with the usual personality of the chief of friendly engineering. However, no less than Michael Piller (probably the best writer Tng Never had) considered this as a natural element of the unlucky arc of Geordi rather than a dramatic aberrant value.

Star Trek: The next generation Fans generally like “Booby Trap”, with the exception of some of Geordi’s scenes that go boldly where no grin of teeth preceded. It is not clear if Picard would have made these scenes less frightening; In all likelihood, the presence of the character would make the captain less sympathetic. Thanks to a script change, Picard’s reputation was spared, but Geordi suffered a basic breach of the chain from which she has never really recovered.

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