The Orville: New Horizons Pays Perfect Tribute To Babylon 5

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By Jonathan Klotz
| Updated

After a long interruption thanks to the cocovated pandemic, the beloved science fiction series of Seth Macfarlane finally returned, nicknamed The Orville: New HorizonsThe series was better than ever with its biggest budget to date, and the result was one of the largest seasons of any science fiction series. Not bad for a show that started as a tribute to Star Trek: The next generationBut in season 3, the threat of war is looming on the universe and several factions that jockey for power recall a different program: Babylon 5. MacFarlane is an auto-admitted fan of the science fiction classic from the 90s, and he proved it in season 3 by involving the president on board John Sheridan himself, Bruce Boileitner, as Alcuzan , president of the planetary union.

Bruce Boxleitner is again the president

Bruce Boxleitner as president Alcuzan The Orville

In “Réang falls gentle”, the crew of The Orville takes place in the environmental simulator program, the Crawl ad through history, a favorite of Lieutenant Malloy (Scott Grimes), when they learn that they will escort a planetary union delegation to a treaty which signals on Krill, inaugurating a New era of peace. This means that while the hangover, the crew meets an honorary guard to welcome on board Alcuzan in a moment which, in the universe, honors the president of the planetary union but, outside of The series pays homage to the role of Bruce Boogleitner as John Sheridan. THE Babylon 5 The veteran is difficult to recognize in his bulbous blue prostheses, but his voice, from the moment he comes out of the shuttle, brings fans back to season 2 of the revolutionary series of J. Michael Stcycsnyiki.

The Orville: New Horizons To the crew which rubs against the most powerful beings of their universe, and although the guard of honor is small and partially drunk, Alcuzan is the only one to receive one on board the ship. MacFarlane has again the possibility of honoring one of his favorites science fiction Stars, both in the initial moment of his arrival and later when Alcuzan is placed in a precarious situation concerning a balcony. Each Babylon 5 Fan wanted Alcuzan to jump over the side, and although he was saved before making a jump this time, it is a small fun tribute to the Sheridan jump in the abyss.

From Star Trek to Babylon 5 in three seasons

According to his status as President of the Planetary Union, Alcuzan cannot join the Orville crew on the front line; Instead, it seems to be proclamation and welcome Kaylon in the planetary union. It may be a guest star role, but The Orville: New Horizons transforms the series of a Star Trek Tribute to a Babylon 5 Tribute, and Boxleitner effortlessly slides his role as a elder-fiction elder man. The battle between the two opposite alliances, with the Krill and the Moclans on the one hand and the planetary union and Kaylon on the other, does not touch the great peaks of the 90s space opera, but it is still extremely Satisfactory and how far the series has grown up from growing pain in the first season.

Fans consider The Orville to be one of the best Star Trek shows ever made, and while Babylon 5 Fans are used to nothing approaching the tight narration and the complex growth of the characters of the unique series of its kind, there are many to love New horizons. It is not only a question of Boxleitner who does not seem to spend time and who clearly benefits from his time on a science fiction set, but the double crosspieces, the political power movements and the lack of easy responses leading to a Resolution in which everyone has made morally questionable decisions, recalls the shadow war. Not bad for a series of clumsy comedy that made a point in episode 1 to discuss stranger Bathroom habits.

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