At least 33 countries, mainly in the Americas, provide automatic citizenship to anyone born inside their borders.
A second United States federal judge blocked President Donald Trump executive decree which aims to put an end to the citizenship of the right of birth for the children of undocumented immigrants.
“Today, almost all babies born on American soil are an American citizen at birth,” said district judge of Maryland Deborah Boardman. “It is the law and tradition of our country. This law and this tradition will remain and will remain the status quo pending the resolution of this case, ”she said.
A few hours after taking an oath on January 20, Trump falsely said that the United States was the “only” country with the citizenship of the dawn. “It’s ridiculous. We are the only country in the world to do this with the right of birth, as you know, and it is simply ridiculous, “he said in the oval office.
The action is already on a temporary taking on a national level due to a separate trial, where a federal judge based in Seattle declared the “manifestly unconstitutional” order.
A total of 22 states and several other organizations have filed proceedings contesting the executive decree which aims to redefine the meaning of the 14th amendment, which guarantees citizenship to people born in the United States.

What is the citizenship of the birth law?
Citizenship of the right of birth is a legal principle granting automatic citizenship to any person born within the borders of a country, regardless of the nationality or status of immigration of their parents. It is granted under the principle of Soli juice (right of land).
The alternative to citizenship of the right of birth is to determine citizenship according to the nationality or citizenship of one or both parents. A person born outside the United States can be granted citizenship if his parents are American citizens under the principle of bloody juice (right of blood).
The United States also grants citizenship through a naturalization process, which requires specific legal documents, such as residence, linguistic competence and the success of a citizenship test.
How long have the United States had the citizenship of the right of birth?
The United States has confirmed the citizenship of the right of birth for more than 150 years, since the 14th amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1868.
“All people born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, are citizens of the United States and the State in which they reside,” he said.
The 14th amendment was introduced after the civil war to guarantee citizenship for former slaves and free African Americans.
This clause was interpreted by legal researchers as indicating that anyone born in the United States, with a few exceptions such as children of foreign diplomats, automatically becomes an American citizen, regardless of nationality or immigration status of immigration their parents.
What countries offer citizenship of the right of birth?
According to the Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook, at least 33 countries, mainly in the Americas, provide automatic citizenship to anyone born inside their borders.
Several countries have conditional citizenship of the right of birth, such as being eligible for citizenship at the age of 18.
Countries with a citizenship of unconditional birth law are highlighted on the map below:
Countries with citizenship of unconditional birth law are listed below:
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominique, Ecuador, El Salvador, Gambia, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela.