It’s not a bad thing to monitor your sugar. It is not bad either to have a sweet treat in moderation. The key to balancing both is to focus on the type of sugar you eat. There is no need to completely remove sugar from your life – after all, our body uses sugar to make energy.
For women and children, the recommended amount is six teaspoons of sugar per day. For men, it is nine teaspoons. As for the type of sugar you should consume, natural sugar substitutes are a better option because they are slightly treated or unrefined. We have described the popular natural sugar alternatives below to help you determine the one you like the most.
What are sugar substitutes or alternatives?
Before entering sugar substitutes, it is important to clarify this sugar is not intrinsically bad for you. It’s vital for your health. Your body transforms carbohydrates into glucose, a sugar shape, which is a primary source of energy to keep your body in motion and your brain. Despite what certain popular diet methods recommend, without carbohydrates and sugars, you may feel health problems and symptoms such as low energies, sleep problems and brain fog.
The goal should not be to avoid sugar but to consume the RIGHT sort of sugar. A large part of the American regime today consists of added sugars, which are transformed and refined to add an intense sweetness without too much substance. Ultra-packed white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are common ingredients in sodas, pastries, bread and condiments. These are delivered quickly to your blood circulation without adding another nutritional value. Excessive consumption of these sugars may cause serious health complicationsIncluding high blood pressure, diabetes and hepatic steatosis.
You can find the amount of sugars added on the nutritional fact label and the list of ingredients in all foods. The higher the sugar, the highest on the ingredient list, the more the sugar is in the product. The added sugars have many names, such as brown sugar, corn sweeteners, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, glucose, high -fructose corn syrup, malt syrup, maltose and Sucrose.
On the other hand, natural sugars are not refined or only slightly transformed and found naturally in many foods. FruitsFor example, contain fructose, but they are also rich in fiber, offering a balanced combination of nutrients for your body. Dear And maple syrup are naturally sweet but rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
There are also various natural sweeteners and sugar substitutes that you can add to food and drinks that offer softness without the drawbacks of refined sugars. Examples of these alternative sugars include sugar alcohols like sorbitol, Artificial sweeteners Like aspartame and natural sweeteners such as stevia.
The 6 best substitutes for natural sugar
Here is the good news: if you want to reduce sugar, you still have a lot of options to keep things sweet. Below you will find six of the best natural sugar substitutes that you can add to your diet instead of refined sugars.
Dear has long been appreciated not only for its natural sweetness but also for its nutritional value. Bees do this from the vegetable nectar in the pollination process and contains a range of beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants.
Raw and darker honey, which is at least, are rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids, in particular. These offers many advantagesIncluding the positive effects on cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and respiratory health. It has even been demonstrated reduce seasonal allergies.
Maple syrup
Another popular natural sweetener, maple syrup, claimed its place at the top of many pancakes. If you reduce the sugar, you may want to skip the pancakes but hang on the syrup, which is Produced from the sap sugar maple.
This is because maple syrup, like honey, contains antioxidants and minerals that can be beneficial for your health. Many unique compounds have been shown in maple syrup help fight cancer and diabetes. THE darker maple syrupThe less refined, the more it can offer these advantages.
If you are not a fan of the flavor of maple syrup or honey but you always want to soften drinks and recipes, stevia is an excellent natural sugar alternative to try. This sweetener is made from the stevia plant, and it is 200 to 400 times softer that the sugar table.
As a sugar substitute, stevia is not nutritious, which means that it does not contain calories. He adds sweetness without much, which can be what you are looking for when reducing sugar. Stevia was also correlated to reducing blood sugar and cholesterol. Remember that many stevia products on the market contain other processed ingredients or sugar alcohols, so it is important to do your research before using them.
If you are looking for a more balanced form of sugar on nutrition, it is difficult to beat raw fruit. Food fiber present in raw fruits helps digestion and slows down sugar metabolismReduce the blood sugar tips you may see from fruit juice or sugar additives. Eating fiber -rich foods can also help you Reduce your total calorie intake and reduce your risk of heart disease.
Puree fruits offer you several of the same advantages, and they can serve as sweeteners to add to other foods. The apple compote works as an egg substitute in many recipes, for example, and mash bays make an excellent addition to Simple and not sweet yogurt.
Monk fruit
Monk’s fruits are another alternative plant sugar based on plants. This one is extracted from monks, also known as Luo Han Guo, a small round fruit that is commonly found in Southeast Asia. Although the fruits of a monk itself contain fructose and glucose, these are actually deleted in extraction Process, creating a non -nutritious sweetener which is approximately 100 times softer than table sugar.
The monk fruits are relatively new on the market, so it needs a more in -depth study to determine all its potential health benefits. Research on other non -nutritive sweeteners shows promising results in terms of weight management And repel diabetes. Mogrosides naturally sweet in the monk’s fruits contain antioxidantsThis can help immune health and cancer prevention.
Fruit juice
Fruit juice is a natural sweetener that you can drink alone or add to other drinks or condiments or even use in cooking. 100% fruit juice is a much better option than refined table sugar or corn syrup rich in fructose because fruit juice is natural and not transformed. He too Contains loads of vitamins and nutrients.