By Jonathan Klotz
| Published

The 90s were a treasure of quirky unionized shows based on all the intellectual properties of the public domain, from Robin Hood to Hercules, and the less popular work of Sherlock Holmes Creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Of course, because it is less popular than the most famous detective in the world does not mean that it is bad, and in fact, The lost world is a founding science fiction work that has helped to influence the wild lands of Marvel and each fictional work that includes a secret world where dinosaurs are still wandering. It was also a unionized three -season program that never approached the standard established by its source equipment.
Discover the lost world

The lost world Vaguely follows the basic intrigue of the novel, with a group of adventurers, led by Professor Challenger, a character described by Doyle himself as “an AOE in a tuxedo”, bringing navigation on the South American jungle in a hot air balloon which ends up accumulating, leaving them blocked on a set filled with dinosaurs and lost civilizations. In addition to the professor, journalist Ned Malone, the adventurer Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee, and Marguerite Knux, the expedition financier and a talented linguist. They are soon joined by Veronica Layton, the survivor of a previous expedition which has now become an expert in survival in the hard jungle, as well as on each marketing element for the series.
Together, the explorers challenge the unknown of the set, which includes giant bees, giant dinosaurs, vampires, a treasure of a pirate, lizards and a meteor strike. The lost world Played quickly and loose with the source novel, but it is normal for the course compared to his contemporaries unionized at the time. Each episode is essentially an autonomous adventure, but that is part of the charm of the old -fashioned series which ends up degenerating to the point where the competing realities collide together. \
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In 1999, then The lost world For the first time, it was not in syndication, instead, it was available on DirecttV as a PPV series. It was a unique configuration of its kind, with episodes broadcast on television broadcast a few weeks after the broadcast of PPV, which included some photos of “flashes and you will miss” that you expect to see on a PPV series. This was not enough to find an audience, with the program that takes off once TNT started to broadcast episodes, doing well enough to justify three seasons and 66 episodes in total.
The lost world had been adapted before the 1999 series, perhaps in particular in 1925, when the original film adaptation could include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself by presenting the film. Before the unionized series, a film was directed with John Rhys-Davies as teacher Challenger and Eric McCormack as Malone, which was done at a lower cost, a suite was published the same year. None of the adaptations has known the power of the 1999 series which remains the final pop culture of the seminal novel.
The syndicated adventure shows of the 90s remain a strange time capsule of a lost television era, where Campy dishes and at a low budget would be broadcast on the final networks as a good way to fill the time. Hercules,, Xenaeven Relic hunterproven next to The lost world To succeed, kiss the budget budget and lean hard in the camp of reuse ensembles, actors and even special effects, could lead to a surprise success. There is nothing as they are broadcast today and even if they were, they would never go beyond the first season.
The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is available for free on Tubi.