Controversial Web Series From South Park Creators Never Had A Chance Streaming For Free

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By Robert Scucci
| Published

There is an unfortunate series of Southern park The creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone who are so vile and disturbing that the project was scored before leaving the ground. In the early 2000s, Internet boom, PrincessA series of animated shorts from the point of view of an innocent dog Lhasa APSO, was picked up and funded by Shockwave, the sister site of Macromedia Flash. Originally presenting to produce 39 shorts of three to five minutes, Parker and Stone, who received a complete creative and artistic control over PrincessProduced two episodes that can only be found on Internet and Youtube archives, because they have never heard from Shockwave after submitting their proof of concept.

You will discover why in a second.

The premise of the princess


In about nine minutes of execution between two short episodes (“Princess Hearts has Strange Noise” and “Princess meets the friendly officer”), Princess Understands a married couple who went there in the room, the accidental (and horribly disorderly) decapitation of the woman, a visit to a police officer investing the incident induced by Viagra and Viagra-Commun, a necrophilia posing as a Coroner then he could “have a little time alone” with the body, and the son of the couple who walks on the “coroner” in the middle of said time alone, which is seen From the point of view of the holder dog who lives with the family.

What is so misleading, and what causes so much shock (apart from the incidents I have just stated) is how Princess Open with the sweetest and most misleading intro music, singing joyfully “which is this soft of love? It is the princess! After the intro, however, you will realize what you get started when you get started when The first scene of “Princess hears a strange noise” starts uncomfortably.

Convicted from the start


Shortly after Parker and Stone submitted their first two episodes of Princess For the chiefs of the shock wave, the leaders were so disgusted that they immediately put aside the project, hoping that it would never see daylight. Originally commissioned in 1999 and produced in 2001, no one knew only Princess has existed, which is probably for the best. It was not until 2004, when the now disappeared trio.TV published a documentary called Shockedthat Princess was unleashed online to the public.

Although only two episodes of Princess were completed, a third episode, entitled “Princess Finding a Red Balloon” was in preparation but abandoned after the rebuilding of the project by the shock waves indefinitely. At the time, Parker and Stone encouraged fans of the series who were qualified with Macromedia Flash to collect the story where they had stopped, but no episodes of this type have ever materialized, at least to my knowledge .

Considering that Macromedia stopped developing a flash in 2005, and Adobe ceased to support The flash Player in 2020, it is quite sure that we will never see new episodes of Princess.

Probably for the best


While I have always admired Trey Parker and Matt Stone for pushing the limits with their cup satire and their social commentary, I must admit that it is probably a good thing that Princess Never had the chance to become a full online series. Given how Southern park Beginning to become a cultural phenomenon, I could only imagine how a series of 39 episodes of one of the most vulgar caricatures I have ever seen would have damaged their career so early if they were affected by prosecution who would pay attention far from their flagship series.

Personally, I think this series was a little tasteless for Parker and Stone, but I admire how much they continued the notion of “having a complete creative control” and literally did everything they wanted just to see What a distance of the deep end that they could actually leave. In the same way, Princess is not intelligent, and he does not have an underlying message that allows you to see his vulgarity in a deeper light; It is simply vulgar to be vulgar.

But if you want to see Princess For yourself in all its perverse and explicit glory, you can find the two existing episodes floating on YouTube, as well as the Internet archives if you are courageous enough.

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