The Real-Life Inspiration For The X-Files’ Most Beloved Sidekicks

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By Chris Snellgrove
| Published

X-Files Has many characters of support, but none is as loved as solitary armed men, a trio of serious computers who often help Fox Mulder. It is not difficult to see why these characters are so popular. After all, the “bitter computers” describe a large part of the fans base, especially in the 90s when the show was new. Fans who are always thought out in the lonely shooter may be particularly intrigued to know that these Nerds have been inspired by certain participants in theorist in the conspiracy of an OVNI agreement.

Real solitary armed men

When the solitary armed men were presented in the episode of season 1 “ebe”, no one had a reason to believe that they were based on real people … In fact, no one knew even if these characters would do a Another appearance. This was certainly true for episode editors Glen Morgan and James Wong, who thought they had done a bad job with this episode until they learn how online fans loved these new characters. And it was Morgan who later revealed that the solitary armed men were inspired by a real trio of people whom he met during a UFO convention which he attended shortly before starting to write to X-Files.

He attended this agreement with Marilyn Osborn, who then wrote the memorable X-Files Episode “forms”. Morgan claims that this trio of conspiracy theorists has left him an impression on him, and once he started writing for the series, he said to himself: “Well, these people have to go here somewhere. »» He wanted to write them in the show earlier and deplored: “It took a long time to bring them.”

If you are more a scully than a Mulder, you could be skeptical how the solitary armed men we saw on the screen looked like the real men that Glen Morgan met during the UFO convention. After all, these favorite X-File characters of fans are legendary eccentric, so it is natural to think that their personalities or manners have been exaggerated in relation to their real analogues. However, Morgan is categorical that this is not the case and that “I put them almost verbatim in history.”

In fact, the buffoonemeries of men armed with “ebe” were directly inspired by the puffing of the real trio nerd to the UFO convention. According to the special DVD features for this episode, Glen Morgan and James Wong were particularly impressed by the real nerds saying a speech on how everyone’s money is magnetized and no one knows. This inspired the moment of the episode when Byers dismantles a $ 20 ticket, a funny shot on the screen which was so difficult that the actor of Frohike Bruce Harwood ended up destroying (in the estimate of Morgan) approximately $ 120 of invoices before doing things properly.

Solitary armed men may have seemed to be a trio larger than life of conspiracy theorists when they appeared in “EBE”, but it turns out that they were directly inspired by real participants of an agreement UFO with similar dedicated personalities. It makes these acolytes beloved a bit like most of the best X-Files Stories: a mixture of truth and fiction. And with regard to UFO participants, we suspect, like the truth, they are always there and, hopefully, very proud of the emblematic characters of the pop culture they have inspired.

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