It’s been almost four years for Alexis Skyy And AKBAR V Has heated heating on the other’s parenting on social networks. This 2021 beef became low, from the presence of a mother to the dissipation of one of the children involved. In the years since the two women have Offer apologies via social media For their heated words. However, Alexis and Akbar really yawned social media this week when they got into person and took sweet photos.
In relation: Alexis Skyy explodes Akbar V for talking about his daughter’s handicap: “You called my baby Braindead!” (Video)
Unexpected reunion occurs more than a month after Akbar announced that she Wait for a child With her husband, Bean.
Akbar shares this message on forgiveness in the middle of photos with Alexis
The new photos of reality TV stars have surfaced for the first time on the Instagram flow of Akbar V. It seems that women have linked themselves during a “pop-out” magazine event celebrating the month of women’s history. Two photos of the solo Women Show, Alexis Skyy, placing his hand on Akbar’s baby bump while they share the smiles. Another showed them by posing next to Dwight Howard’s fiancéeAmy Luciani – with whom she also had beef at some point. In His legend For the photos of the carousel, V wrote, “Pordoning is soothing for the soul … FK da BS We Swered Shhhh .. My Sistas @alexisskyy @amylucianiWorld.”
Akbar also shared another article – a video – than Alexis Skyy to share sweet words about him. She also praised her former Frenemy for their growth and their trip. In his video and legend, V also shared praise for Amy Luciani.
“@Aalexisskyy made one of the best speeches I heard and I ripped off, I got up up there and I also gave it a little love, and I am so grateful that we don’t excite ourselves, but be nice and forgive and straighten my bad drug addicts excites me more than ever @amyluciriaworld excite me. I want to walk like Jesus and look more like Jesus … It is a single commandment that overshadows all commandments and it is “that you love your neighbor as your love ourselves” God wants us to love. Although I am not the strongest that I thank that I make a start with Christ, I will lend his gospel, but until I continue to try to do the right. “”
Summary of what caused the ladies’ beef
As mentioned, the beef of Akbar and Alexis dates back to June 2021. At the time, it began as a physical altercation in Atlanta which spread on the internet. In the middle of the exchanges, Skyy said to V, suggesting that she had to take care of her children. Akbar applauded by blaming Skyy for the disabilities of his daughter Alaiyah, suggesting that she consumed illicit drugs during her pregnancy. Alexis fell with an emotional warning for V about the wickedness of his daughter. When V apologized later this month, Alexis refused to accept his apologies.
Things took a turn for Alexis Skyy in 2023. In March of the same year, Skyy Offered general apology To all the women with whom she had previously strengthened, from Akbar V to Masika and Ari Fletcher. It is not known, however, when V and Skyy took steps towards the presence of the other!
Meanwhile, Alexis and Akbar V are not the only ones to have recently let the By disappear. Earlier this week, Chrisée Rock became viral after pleading with Jaidyn Alexis via social media to crush their beef. But her long post-and more and more paragraphs did not seem to touch Jaidyn how she had hoped, Chile!
In relation: Grivin ‘Growth? Chrisan Rock shares these post-and more answers to Jaidyn Alexis training it on BlueFace
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